Future Challenges
The Eleventh Dialog System Technology Challenge (DSTC11)
Track Proposals
Bridging the Gap between Databases and Dialogues: Task-oriented Dialogue Modeling with Interactive Databases, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications & Meituan Group
Intent Induction from Conversations for Task-Oriented Dialogue, AWS AI
Robust and Multilingual Automatic Evaluation Metrics for Open-Domain Dialogue Systems, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), National University of Singapore (NUS), New York University (NYU) & Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
Speech-Aware Dialog Systems Technology Challenge, Google Research
Cross-Lingual Task-Oriented Dialogue Agents, Tianjin University, Stanford University, Hanyang University, Laboratory for Integration of Systems and Technology, Microsoft & International Institute of Information Technology
Ambiguous Candidate Identification and Coreference Resolution for Immersive Multimodal Conversations, Meta AI & Meta Reality Labs
End-to-End Flowchart Grounded Task-Oriented Dialog Response Generation, IBM Research, University of Massachusetts Amherst & Indian Institute of Technology
Task-oriented Conversational Modeling with Subjective Knowledge, Amazon Alexa AI